• gspra logoJOIN GSPRA: The Voice for Public Education in Georgia

    GSPRA provides members with an excellent opportunity to network with other educational public relations professionals throughout Georgia, as well as those individuals who have public relations as a secondary part of their job function.
    Regional meetings, statewide conferences, and the availability of numerous communication resources offer members an opportunity to learn the latest techniques to strengthen education through effective communication.
    GSPRA can also assist your organization in staff development or consulting roles. We can help you develop a communication plan, improve your publications, or provide individualized workshops that meet your special needs.

    Benefits of Membership

    GSPRA Online Community
    Have a tough PR challenge? Need help with a special project or program? Have questions about policies and procedures? GSPRA's Online Community is a great way for members to ask questions or seek feedback from other members on issues or topics they may be facing in their district.

    The GSPRA website serves as a source of information for members. We are continuing to expand the site and offer members online resources, such as case studies, sample publications, and other valuable information items.

    On GSPRA's Facebook page, you can ask questions of our members and get links to professional development articles, blogs, and opportunities.

    Using Twitter, GSPRA will post articles about public relations, job opportunities, and retweet your district and school information.

    Follow us on Instagram for the latest news and announcements.

    On Linkedin, we are building a professional community to share and discuss best practices and share job opportunities with each other.

    Publications, Photography and Electronic Media Evaluation/Awards
    GSPRA sponsors evaluation and awards competitions to help members strengthen their technical skills. The publication and electronic media competition helps members improve their school publications, photographs, websites and other electronic communications. Emphasis is placed on proper writing style and basic design techniques.

    Through our state conferences, regional activities, online community, and website, you're always in touch with our members. Become part of this network today!

    Ready to join or renew your GSPRA membership? Contact Kendra Pannell at Kendra.Pannell@dalton.k12.ga.us

    nspra logo

    Join NSPRA: THE Leader in School Communication

    GSPRA members are encouraged to join the National School Public Relations Association for more professional development opportunities and to connect with PR professionals across the United States, Canada, and the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools worldwide.