• Bylaws of the Georgia School Public Relations Association

    Article I - Name

    The name of this organization shall be the Georgia School Public Relations Association (GSPRA).
    Article II - Geographical Jurisdiction

    The geographical jurisdiction of the Georgia School Public Relations Association shall be the state of Georgia. Within the state, four geographical regions shall be maintained, in accordance with considerations of geography and distribution of members. The four regions shall be reviewed periodically by the Executive Committee to ensure equity and balance of membership.

    Recommendations for changes in regional boundaries may be made by a majority of the members of any one region or by members of the Executive Committee at a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting or the annual Business Meeting. Changes in the boundaries shall be approved by the membership at the annual Business Meeting, or by electronic ballot when deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. Member Services Directors shall serve each region. Should a region have a vacancy for Member Services Director that cannot be filled by a region member, the region will be served by an at-large Member Services Director appointed by the Executive Committee until the next slate of officers is considered.

    Article III - Purpose

    The chapter is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes, as may qualify it as exempt from federal income tax under Section

    501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any corresponding provision of any future

    United States Internal Revenue Law. More specifically, such purposes include, but are not limited to:

    The primary purpose of the organization shall be to serve the citizenry of the state by promoting a better understanding of the objectives, accomplishments and needs of public education. The

    Association seeks to accomplish its purposes by: 

    1. establishing a clear philosophy of school-community relations;
    2. developing and promoting effective techniques for communication between the schools and their various publics represented in their communities; and
    3. promoting sound practices of school-community relations and public support of public education.

    Article IV - Membership

    4.1 Members

    Any person who is actively interested in advancing the cause of public education shall be eligible to apply for membership. The Executive Committee may designate categories of membership. Changes in membership categories and attendant dues structure shall be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at the annual Business Meeting or by the majority of respondents to an electronic survey or e-mail ballot. Changes in membership categories, once approved by the majority of members, shall go into effect in the next membership year.

    4.2 Membership Year

    The membership year shall be from Fall Conference to Fall Conference. Dues shall be included in conference registration. If no annual conference is held, the membership year will be November 1 to October 31. (For financial purposes and as a chapter of NSPRA, GSPRA shall maintain a financial year of August 1 to July 31.)

    As soon as possible after the conference, the VP of Member Services will notify all current members who have not paid dues for the new year (Nov.-Oct.). In non-conference years, notification should be given as soon as possible after October 31. Members who do not renew membership by December 31 will not have access to members-only benefits until dues are paid or until registered for the next conference.

    4.3 Membership Directory

    The VP of Member Services shall maintain the official membership directory. Rosters will be provided to any active member upon request. Members will be notified periodically of the addition of new members. Membership directories may be shared with other non-profit organizations whose purpose is to support public education. The directories shall not be provided to for-profit companies whose purpose is to use the membership list to solicit business, with the exception of conference sponsors. The President has the final authority to decide who may or may not receive a membership directory.

    Article V - Annual Business Meeting

    5.1 Order of Business

    There shall be an annual Business Meeting of the Association. The time, place, and proposed agenda shall be determined by the Association’s Executive Committee. The membership attending the annual meeting shall approve position statements of the Association, advise the Executive Committee on the control and management of the Association, receive reports on the state of the Association, and take action on items as determined by the Executive Committee.

    5.2 Transaction of Business

    Decisions made at the annual Business Meeting shall be determined by majority vote of the members present.

    5.3 Other Meetings

    Other meetings of the Association shall be called at the discretion of the president or by three or more members of the Executive Committee.

    Article VI – Officers

    6.1 Election of Officers

    Beginning in 2015, officers of the Association shall be elected via electronic ballot. The slate of officers shall be developed by a nominating committee made up of the President, President-Elect, and one or more additional Executive Committee members. The slate shall be presented by March 31, with an option for write-in candidates. Electronic balloting shall close at end of business on April 15 or the next Monday if falling on a weekend. Results of the ballot will be announced to the membership via e-mail.   

    Beginning in 2015, all positions shall serve one-year terms. Terms of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. With the exception of President and President-Elect, any elected officer may serve two consecutive terms in office if duly slated by the nominating committee and elected by membership.

    Should a vacancy on the Executive Committee (other than President) occur during the term, a committee made up of the President, President-Elect, and one or more additional Executive Committee members shall recommend an eligible member to fill the vacant position and the position shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Committee. In case of a vacancy in the position of President, the President-Elect shall at once succeed to the office of the President for the balance of the President’s term. In this case, the President-Elect shall serve both the balance of the term and a full one-year term as President.   

    6.2 Eligibility to Run for Office

    The following are eligibility requirements for voting members of the Executive Committee: 

    • Must be a GSPRA member in good standing;
    • Must serve as a public relations professional for a public school district, a public school, or a professional association or governmental agency serving public schools;
    • Must be willing to fulfill the term and duties of office; and
    • In the case of President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and one other member of the Executive Committee, must be a member of NSPRA.

    6.3 Duties of Officers


    The President shall be the executive director of the Association and shall preside at the meetings of the Association and Executive Committee; appoint all standing and special committees and designate the chairpersons; call meetings of the Executive Committee; submit an annual report of Association activities to the membership and to the Regional Vice President and national office of the National School Public Relations Association. The President shall be a member of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). As funds allow, the Association will pay the President’s dues for membership in NSPRA in the event that the member’s local system is not willing or able to do so. As funds allow, the Association will pay registration to the NSPRA seminar for the President to ensure that the Association is represented at the annual NSPRA Chapter Leaders Meeting which is conducted at the seminar annually. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The President is a voting member of the Executive Committee.


    The President-Elect shall become president one year following election as President-Elect and shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the inability of the president to act. The President-Elect shall be a member of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). As funds allow, the Association will pay the President-Elect’s dues for membership in the NSPRA in the event that the member’s local system is not willing or able to do so. As funds allow and should the President be unable to attend, the Association will pay registration to the NSPRA seminar for the President-Elect to ensure that the Association is represented at the annual NSPRA Chapter Leaders Meeting which is conducted at the seminar annually. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The President-Elect is a voting member of the Executive Committee.


    The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep records of meetings, assist in handling Association correspondence, keep records of funds, provide financial statements annually to the membership, and disburse Association’s funds as approved by the Executive Committee. The Secretary/Treasurer shall submit accounts for financial review annually. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be a member of the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA). As funds allow, the Association will pay the Secretary/Treasurer’s dues for membership in the NSPRA in the event that the member’s local system is not willing or able to do so. As funds allow and should the President and president-Elect be unable to attend, the Association will pay registration to the NSPRA seminar for the Secretary/Treasurer to ensure that the Association is represented at the annual NSPRA Chapter Leaders Meeting which is conducted at the seminar annually. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The Secretary/Treasurer is a voting member of the Executive Committee.

    Vice President (VP) of Communications

    The VP of Communications shall chair the Communications Committee. With the support of the committee, the VP of Communications shall be responsible for producing electronic and printed materials, including, but not limited to, the Association’s membership newsletter and electronic communication. The VP of Communications and the Communications Committee may support communication of special programs and projects, including the annual Fall Conference. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The VP of Communications is a voting member of the Executive Committee..

    Vice President (VP) of Member Services

    The VP of Member Services shall chair the Member Services Committee, made up of member services directors for each region. With the support of the committee, the VP of Member Services shall be responsible for developing, maintaining, and evaluating services provided to members. The VP of member services shall conduct the annual membership campaign to facilitate membership renewals. The VP of Member Services shall maintain the membership directory. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The VP of Member Services is a voting member of the Executive Committee.

    Member Services Directors

    There shall be four (4) Member Services Directors , one (1) representing each of the Association’s regions. Member Services Directors shall be responsible for maintaining contact with current Association members in their respective regions, recruiting new members in their region, supporting annual renewal campaign in their region, originating and planning regional activities, and supporting other such activities as shall be initiated by them or requested by the VP of Member Services. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. Member Services Directors are voting members of the Executive Committee. 

    Vice President (VP) of Professional Development

    The VP of Professional Development shall chair the Conference Committee. With the support of the committee, the VP of Professional Development shall be responsible for coordinating the annual Fall Conference and for other staff development activities. To ensure adequate time to prepare for the annual Fall Conference, the VP of Professional Development shall be appointed by the Executive Committee no later than December and ratified as a member of the Executive Committee by inclusion on the slate of officers in March and by affirmation of a majority of members in April. The VP of Professional Development is a voting member of the Executive Committee once duly elected by membership. As funds allow, the Association will pay for up to two hotel nights during the Fall Conference for the VP of Professional Development in the event that the member’s local system is not willing or able to do so due to mileage restrictions.

    Immediate Past President

    The Immediate Past President shall serve for one year after completing the term of President. The Immediate Past President shall chair the Past Presidents Council, supporting special projects as requested by the Executive committee. The Immediate Past President shall conduct or facilitate an annual financial review of accounts. Term of office shall begin May 1 and end April 30. The Immediate Past President is a voting member of the Executive Committee. 

    6.4 Vacancies

    Vacancies in the presidency shall be filled by the immediate succession of the President-Elect. The new president shall fill the unexpired term of the previous president and then shall be entitled to serve a full one-year term as president. Should a vacancy on the Executive Committee (other than President) occur during the term, a committee made up of the President, President-Elect, and one or more additional Executive Committee members shall recommend an eligible member to fill the vacant position and the position shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Committee.  

    Article VII – Executive Committee

    7.1 Composition

    The Executive Committee shall consist of the Association’s officers. Members who serve as officers or directors of the National School Public Relations Association shall serve as Executive Committee ex-officio members.

    Committee chairs who do not currently serve on the Executive Committee (e.g., Recognition, Accreditation, Contest, etc.) shall be appointed by the President and may serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. In addition, past presidents of the Association and GSPRA’s liaisons with other entities (e.g., the Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Vision Project, etc.) may serve as ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. 

    7.2 Powers and Duties

    The governing body of the Association shall be the voting members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for all policy decisions affecting the Association’s operation. It shall approve disbursement of funds; recommend dues; fill vacancies as authorized in Article VI; set the time, place, and agenda for the annual Business Meeting; call other meetings of the Association; and carry out all directives as voted by the members. It shall be responsible for planning and coordinating professional development and in-service education sponsored by the Association. 

    7.3 Meetings

    The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times annually. Meetings of the Executive

    Committee may be called by the President or any three members of the Executive Committee, and may be held in person, by phone, or through any other interactive medium deemed appropriate by the president. All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be recorded by the Secretary/Treasurer, or designee, and reported to the general membership as soon as possible following the meeting. 

    7.4 Quorum

    A majority of the voting members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

    Article VIII – Dues

    8.1 Recommendation of Dues

    The establishment of dues, and all policies pertaining thereto, shall be on the recommendation of the Association’s Executive Committee. 

    8.2 Approval of Dues

    Changes in the dues shall be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at the annual Business Meeting or by the majority of respondents to an electronic survey or e-mail ballot. Changes in dues, once approved by the majority of members, shall go into effect in the next membership year (conference to conference).

    Article IX – Amendments

    At least 30-days’ notice in writing shall be given members of any proposed bylaws amendments. These bylaws may be amended by vote of a majority of the members present at the annual business meeting. When deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, members may vote on proposed amendments by e-mail or via electronic survey. If by e-mail or electronic survey, the amendment(s) must be approved by vote of a majority of members responding. After Association approval, all amendments shall be submitted by the President to the Executive Board of the National School Public Relations Association for approval.

    Article X – Affiliation

    The Georgia School Public Relations Association shall be a chartered chapter of the National School Public Relations Association.

    a.      A chapter may be established by the NSPRA Executive Board on petition of 10 or more members in good standing in a given area. To continue in good standing, the chapter must continue to have at least 10 members who are also NSPRA members. The exact territory of chapter jurisdiction shall be determined by the NSPRA Executive Board.

    b.     The President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer, and at least one other member of the Executive Committee shall maintain membership in the National School Public Relations Association. All other chapter officers and members are encouraged to be members of the National Association.

    c.      Bylaws of each chapter shall be approved by the Executive Board of the Association before adoption by the chapter. Amendments to the bylaws of a chapter must be approved by the Executive Board of the national Association to become effective.

    Article XI – Prohibited Activities

    No part of the earnings of the chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these bylaws. Except as provided in

    Section 501(h) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law, no substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the

    Chapter shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of campaign statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. 

    Notwithstanding any other provisions of these bylaws, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law. 

    Upon dissolution of the Chapter, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the Chapter, dispose of all the assets of the Chapter exclusively for the purposes of the Chapter, in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section

    501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provision of any future

    United States Internal Revenue Law, as the Executive Board shall determine.


    Revised: November 2014

    Approved by GSPRA Membership: February 2015