• Since 1935, the National School Public Relations Association has been providing school communication training and services to school leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and the U.S. Dependent Schools worldwide.
    The Georgia School Boards Association (GSBA) and the Georgia School Superintendents Association (GSSA) in 2009 formed a joint venture to create a comprehensive and coherent vision for public education in the state of Georgia. 

    SPARK! Campaign
    GSPRA is partnering with the Georgia Vision Project to support the SPARK! campaign, an advocacy campaign to celebrate public education in Georgia and to change the perception of our schools by changing the conversation about our schools. With this campaign, we will focus on the successes of our graduates, the inspired work of our teachers, and the support of our communities for their schools. We will do that through real data and stories about how public schools all over our state are stepping up to the challenge of preparing our students for college, career and life. We will:

    • Ignite: creating statewide enthusiasm and educating the community on successes; 
    • Transform: changing the perception via media and business opportunities; and
    • Fortify: strengthening the partnership between parents and educators.

    Be There
    Be There is a national movement that inspires parents to become more involved in their children's education. The campaign, created by Voss & Associates, provides an exceptional opportunity to improve student achievement by increasing parent involvement.

    Schoolwires provides strategic online communication, community-management and productivity solutions that result in stronger school communities, more effective schools and greater student success.